Pension Consolidation

Welcome, my name is Matthew Tumbridge

I am an Independent Financial Adviser who passionately believes you are better off when you control how your pensions are invested and managed.

  • Should you consolidate your pension?
  • Is it hard to do?
  • What are the risks?

I will help you make the right decision and get the best from your pension.

My combined pensions are designed to:

  • Achieve the maximum equity market returns (within your pension investments)
    • Over the last 10 years, this has meant investment growth of over 16% annually
    • Some of our portfolios have achieved up to 20% annually
  • Protect your capital in downturns

Book a free expert consultation today

Call on 0800 422 08 83 or click below to book a 15 minute callback. We will discuss your goals and arrange a free 45 minute online consultation:

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Don't just use an online service

Please do not just use an online service to combine your pensions; you won't have any control over the underlying investments or their suitability to your unique situation.

I will make it easy to understand how pensions work, what your options are, and help you decide what is best for you.

Most importantly, you will end up with a professionally designed portfolio that is designed around your life, and that you control.

Why do you need a professionally designed pension portfolio?

All pensions that you can take control of, or merge together, are ultimately invested somewhere.

Average investors only achieve 8.7% returns according to J.P. Morgan, which is 8% per year less than has been possible EVERY year on average over the last 10 years.

£200,000 invested in a pension or ISA 10 years ago, achieving maximum market return would be worth £1,039,963. That's £839,000 growth.


Pension Advice Pack

Register now for my information pack, explaining how to optimise your pension income.

I will also offer to answer any questions you have on how it relates to your specific circumstances in a free, no obligation, consultation, worth £175.

What my customers say...

We wanted to invest some of our £150,000 pension lump sum. Matthew designed a portfolio that is clearly better than the ISAs we have had in the past.

Mr and Mrs Bryan, Essex

I had 8 pensions from my career and I just didn't know where to start. I am very grateful that I now I have a clear plan and am very confident that I can afford my retirement no matter what happens.

D Gulleford

Book a free expert consultation today

Call on 0800 422 08 83 or click below to book a 15 minute callback. We will discuss your goals and arrange a free 45 minute online consultation:

Free Call Back

Detailed pension merging advice:

My pension advice will be based on detailed research and evidence, to help you understand why it can work for YOU long-term. I will talk you through every step of the plan, to make it easy to understand:


What does the pension advice look at?

The advice will assess the pros and cons, to reach a recommendation that covers these issues:

  • Your goals and circumstances
  • Tax allowances
  • Taking a lump sum
  • Investments
  • Annuities
  • Optimising potential growth
  • Protecting capital

Defaqto research of thousands of investment funds will then be completed to build your portfolio.

What happens after you present the plan?

If you choose to, we can offer a full implementation service which includes:

  • Opening the required accounts
  • Purchase of the recommended investments
  • Annual review meeting
  • Rebalancing of investments each year
  • Being available to you throughout the year as your financial adviser


Matthew Tumbridge (MTFA) is an adviser with Julian Harris Financial Consultants, authorised & regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Nos. 153566.

London Institute Banking Finance

Matthew holds a Statement of Professional Standing from the London Institute of Banking and Finance.

Book a free expert consultation today

Call on 0800 422 08 83 or click below to book a 15 minute callback. We will discuss your goals and arrange a free 45 minute online consultation:

Free Call Back

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